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Spellbound VR

Spellbound Graphic Logo Spellbound is our flagship virtual reality game, released in early access and available for purchase on Steam. The development objective of the game is to create a fun, immersive virtual reality experience which tells a compelling story and uses entertainment to teach players to become better human beings through story telling and first hand experience. Development is still ongoing.


Game Development & Consulting

Game Development Graphic Logo Our team can be brought in to help with the technical production of a game. We can help with game design, level design, systems design, game programming, performance optimization, building and packaging to target platforms, adding support for additional hardware platforms, troubleshooting bugs and errors, and high level project management.

Virtual Reality Development

Virtual Reality Graphic We have been designing and developing virtual reality games and applications since 2015. We have invented new technologies and techniques in the VR industry. We are very experienced in creating virtual reality media content which ranges from interactive gaming experiences, to virtual tours of factories, to education and training. Come and take a look at our past projects!

Interactive Media Production

Interactive Media Graphic We collaborate together with local film makers in our office space to create new, interactive types of film media. We pride ourselves on bringing the gaming industry and film industry together to create a new type of hybridized media format which moves the user experience from a passive role to an interactive engagement with media content. When the audience is active with media content, their retention and engagement levels are significantly higher.

Enterprise Software Development

Enterprise Development Graphic We offer enterprise level software solutions tailored to the needs of your organization. Our broad objective is to create lasting value to our customers by automating processes and reducing staff workload. This helps an enterprise get more work done without increasing labor costs, which creates a rapid, positive return on investment. The solutions we offer to enterprise clients are going to be based on their unique needs, IT infrastructure, business processes, stakeholder goals, budgets, timelines, etc. This means we must design custom solutions to meet needs on a case by case basis.

Our general process is to identify needs and requirements, see if an existing commercial product can satisfy those needs, and if not, then we begin the software development process to create new software. Enterprise software development can take a long time and cost a lot of money, depending on the scope of work. Every project comes with failure risks, so we try to identify these risks as early in the project as possible and create risk mitigation plans. We use an iterative software development life cycle with agile development practices.

Research & Development Projects

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

We believe artificial intelligence is going to be the future of advanced computing and we want to be a part of leading the world. When it comes to AI, the uncomfortable truth is that we're in its infancy and nobody has come close to mastering it. Within the last decade, a lot of interest has been focused around machine learning and artificial neural networks (ANN's). We believe, while this approach has become increasingly popular, it is the wrong way to model actual intelligence. In nature, brains do not need to go through thousands of training simulations so that they can operate at a basic proficiency level, so our ANN's shouldn't either. Our current research and development approach is to get a better understanding of biological intelligence and its internal processes, come up with a working model, create an artificial representation of that model, validate it against the biological version, and iteratively develop and refine the intelligence model until it approaches optimality. We are currently most interested in model free reinforcement learning with a mechanism for creating abstract internal models dynamically based on inputs. We have little idea on what the final model for this intelligence will look like, so we are investigating approaches using evolutionary programming and a self optimizing system to eventually create a generalized artificial intelligence (gAI). The ideal objective is to create an intelligent entity which recieves raw inputs, has a list of behavior outputs, generates an abstract understanding of its world, and naturally finds the most optimal behavior pattern for any given state. There is a lot of research work required and very little time and funding available (We'd be thrilled to recieve sponsorship in this area of research).

The gAI will be trained for hundreds of different agents, each with different reward patterns and inputs, and it will be able to find the most optimal behavior for each unique agent. This will fundamentally change the way AI is written for games, but has much greater implications in industries beyond just gaming. With a robust model for intelligent agents with variations in motives and behavior patterns, we think it would be possible to model human behavior and economic systems. If we had an emergent economic system of autonomous AI agents, we could measure the consequences and effectiveness of different advertisements, political messages, policy changes, etc. and have an automated process which crafts maximally effective messages and policy for a diverse range of people. gAI could fundamentally revolutionize robotics and medicine as well. Imagine if a nanoscale robot could function like a white blood cell but be programmed to destroy cancer cells or HIV viruses? Gene editing may not be necessary for some of the most challenging diseases.

Next: Past Projects & Services

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